Artist Profile
I am a Ceramicist reaching the conclusion of my Masters in Ceramics with Cardiff Metropolitan, CSAD. Relatively new to the medium, I have developed a deep passion for clay. This passion has led to another fledging practice, a fusion of ceramics and poetry: Poamics. My practice researches the vocabulary and narratives contained in both shard and verse, its aim, to enrich present conversation in Ceramic materiality.
First Poemic construction
9 of february 2019
Exploration of joining elements, creating formal structures, capturing movement from the wheel to the reduction firing. Celebrated in glazing, that flows from top to bottom and from inside to out.
Ceramics as words and vowels
December 2018
Using 12 off the shelf Chinese glazes with a selection of glaze recipes, I set into the process, rigorous testing on a variety of materials. Thes forms and there's glaze appear in a dialogue of words indicative to children as they the acquire language.
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Clay families, communities and friends
Gestural and torn investigations
Residency in Jingdezhen
Some of the amazing work that I was able to achieve with gratitude to, The Pottery Workshop residency, in the sculpture factory in Jingdezhen.
Presentation for Master in Art and Design
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“Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all dead generations weighs
Karl Marx
Thank you for visiting my site, I hope that my Ceramics Portfolio, offer you some healthy distraction. I welcome conversation and collaboration.
Cardiff, UK